We the People - Grenada

Keeping an eye on the people's business

“Democracy is not a spectator sport.”
Lotte Scharfman
“The most important political office is that of the private citizen.”
Louis Brandeis
“I wish I could shut up. But I can’t and I won’t.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
“It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
Benjamin Franklyn
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
Edward Murrow
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
Alice Walker
“When a government loses integrity, times are dangerous. When the populace accepts the loss, times are desperate.”
Pam Brown
“Every country gets the government it deserves.”
Joseph de Maistr
“Free and fair elections can give us a government of the people; but only an active, informed and vigilant citizen can give us a government by the people for the people.”
H. Kwasi Prempeh


Prospectus Native Hut Ltd.  Private Offering

“Native Hut Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act of Grenada with registered offices at South City Plaza, Grand Anse, Grenada is seeking to raise additional capital of USDl0million (ECD 27 million) for expansion of the South City Plaza Hotel and construction of the South City Square Project by issuing Three Million Shares to private and institutional investors. ……….

Approvals:  ………The Bankers for Native Hut Limited are Capital Bank International Grenada and CLICO Investment Bank Limited (Trinidad)…..”

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The Best Laid Plans are for Mice

Asked whether forward planning and “looking down the road” as a country would have helped us to address the present situation, the Hon. Minister replied that “the best laid plans are for mice, not men…” If that statement reflects the attitude of the Minister and his colleagues to planning, no wonder the country is in the state it is in – going to hell in a handbasket!!

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Letter to Hon. Boatswain re Blue Lagoon Development

I have recently come across a reference to the Blue Lagoon Real Estate corp. (referring to what was formerly the Grenada Yacht Services) in a document entitled The Contribution of Yachting to the Development of the Eastern Caribbean: Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique (Draft). This document noted, “This property has recently changed hands, the intention being the construction of a multimillion dollar marina facility.”

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Having read the report, I have also come to the depressing conclusion that, when offering one’s self for political office or high public office in Grenada, perhaps one is well served by proven ability and demonstrated capacity in bungling and mismanagement and utter disregard for the acceptable practices and mechanisms of accountability and transparency in matters of financial management.

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I write to express my dismay at the cavalier, dismissive and contemptuous manner in which the Minister of Finance and other ministers of the current administration are treating the concerns of many citizens about the astounding level of the national debt incurred by the NNP administration since it assumed office in 1995.

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