We the People - Grenada

Keeping an eye on the people's business

“Democracy is not a spectator sport.”
Lotte Scharfman
“The most important political office is that of the private citizen.”
Louis Brandeis
“I wish I could shut up. But I can’t and I won’t.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
“It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
Benjamin Franklyn
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
Edward Murrow
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”
Alice Walker
“When a government loses integrity, times are dangerous. When the populace accepts the loss, times are desperate.”
Pam Brown
“Every country gets the government it deserves.”
Joseph de Maistr
“Free and fair elections can give us a government of the people; but only an active, informed and vigilant citizen can give us a government by the people for the people.”
H. Kwasi Prempeh

Keeping an Eye on C&N Port Louis Marina 2015 & 2016

The Lagoon, a significant national asset, is under the control of the Company. The Lagoon seabed is mortgaged to the Bank of Nova Scotia to secure the Company’s loan of US$ 25 million in 2009.   According to the information in their reports there is a non-cancellable lease for 99 years with an option to renew for another 99 years.  Also, lease rental payment is based only on the area brought into use.  So that means the Company is “sitting on the people’s property” while our fishermen and our other traditional users are deprived of a “safe haven “  should there be weather events and the yachties anchor on our reefs off  Falise and Mt. Pandy.

Keeping an Eye on C&N Port Louis Marina 2015 & 2016

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